modern chamber music – news
May 2009  

The new show from Jean Faure has its premier in the Pantheon in Bonn.
L&K have started to rehearse for the summer shows with the Modern Chamber Music Orchestra.

April 2009  

L&K record albums with whistle player Ralf Wolfgarten, multiinstrumentalist Matthias Höhn and guitarist and composer Ralf Bauer.

Kristaps becomes an official endorser for GODIN guitars

March 2009  

Kristaps plays with the Jean Faure Orchestre, on his 40 year stage anniversary

February 2009  L&K play for a recording workshop in Waldorf
L&K record the German version of the One-Eyed Wolf, wich will feature 3 new tracks from the new One-Eyed wolf book by Juris Kronbergs

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